About Definite Oilfield

Safety & Environment

Petroleum Industry Guiding Principles

Further to the Corporate Policy Statement on Health, Safety and environment, Definite Oilfield Ltd. fully supports the Petroleum Industry Guiding Principles for worker safety.

These guiding principles were developed as part of the Upstream Petroleum Industry Task Force on Safety (U.P.I.T.F.O.S.) report, and states:

We, the members of the petroleum industry, have a responsibility to protect all workers engaged in its activities from personal injury and health hazards. To meet our responsibility we will operate under the following guiding principles:

Definite Oilfield Ltd., when acting as principal contractor, is responsible for coordination and general supervision of all activities at the work site, including activities carried out by contractors, subcontractors and suppliers. While all parties have a responsibility to promote worker safety, Definite Oilfield Ltd. recognizes its leadership in promoting worker health and safety on the basis that it has the greatest power to influence work site situations.

Activities will be conducted on the basis that safety of all personnel is of vital importance, whether those personnel are employed by Definite Oilfield Ltd., a contractor, a subcontractor or a supplier.

The process of selecting contractors, subcontractors and suppliers, and the administration of contracts, will include recognition and support of good safety performance. Support and recognition based on good safety performance will also be provided by all employers to their employees.

Definite Oilfield Ltd., in cooperation with others within the industry, will promote methods and practices that have potential for improving safety performance.