About Definite Oilfield

Safety & Environment

Environmental Policy

The protection of the environment and the conservation of our natural resources are fundamental to the Definite Oilfield Ltd. business philosophy. We take great pride in operating in a manner which is environmentally friendly and will make all efforts to conserve natural resources, through means of educating and leading by example. We will actively pursue opportunities to conserve natural resources by way of reduction, recycling and reuse.

Definite Oilfield Ltd. will plan its operations and activities in such a manner as to minimize the potential for adverse environmental impact and will make every effort to protect natural resources. Definite Oilfield Ltd. will operate in compliance with all laws and regulations.

Definite Oilfield Ltd. will make certain that all training programs are in place for employees and owner operators to ensure that the policies and procedures are understood so that they may be effectively implemented.

Management will develop appropriate standards and procedures and will monitor all operations to ensure compliances.

Every supervisior and manager is directly responsible for the implementation of suitable procedures, training programs and that the appropriate controls are in place.

All employees, owner operators, contractors, and visitors are responsible for working towards these principles at all times.

Bob Sharpe



Safety Policy

Environmental Policy